Saturday, July 07, 2007

Movin', Movin', Movin'

We've moved - don't worry Mommy is mailing out change of address info shortly! I was a very big helper packing. Last Sunday our friends Emily, Eric, Ben, Marissa, Ben, Rachel and Matt and Saba and Savata helped us move. Couldn't have done it without you all!! Thank you! There were so many boxes! It really wore Sally and I out! We went to sleep right on the floor while Mommy and Daddy finished up. The new house wasn't quire ready so we all got to stay in a hotel (Sally too!). We had lots of fun. The had a big desk and chair in the room which I enjoyed climbing on especially. Sally just liked the bed.

The next day we did alot of unpacking so we needed a break. We went swimming at the hotel pool. I love snacks by the pool. Anyway, I am getting used to the new house and like it very much.

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