Sunday, March 11, 2007

What A February!

Sorry we haven't posted lately. Mommy, Daddy and I have been very busy. Mommy helps organize a conference here for the entire Southwest region. This year she was very busy and they had record attendance. I just liked hanging out in the hotel room and playing (who know toliet paper was so much fun?!). There were so many people to see and we even got all dressed up and went to a fancy dinner while we were there.

Three days after we go home Daddy flew to North Carolina for my great grandma's 90th birthday and boy did I keep Mommy busy while he was away! Then the day after he came home, Savta (Grandma) Cookie arrived. Whle she was here I got my second haircut. Last time we went to a different place that had a rocket ships to sit in. I liked the race car too.

Next we went shopping and Savta bought me my first pair of sneaker. They are black Pumas and are so cool! I really enjoyed shoe shopping. There were so many shoes to take off the wall and walk around with. I can't wait to go again, but I think the guy at the store won't mind if it isn't too soon.

1 comment:

Matt & Marilee said...

Your new haircut and new shoes are so handsome, Sammy! What a big boy you are becoming!