Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Frequent Flyer

Haven't posted lately because we have been so busy!!! Mommy and I just got back from our big trip to Denver to see my Great Grandma and Fort Myers to see my Grandma. We had a great time. While in Denver I got to go to the zoo for the first time. There were so many animals to see. I loved it. There were peacocks just roaming around free and squirrels everywhere. I especially liked watching the penguins though. I had a very good visit with Great Grandma - she's really great! She had a saucer there for me to play in (and eat cookies! Yum!) She and Mommy drove me to Castlerock to see a friend. It was beautiful there. We also went and got our pictures taken together. We had lots of fun. Mommy got me an inflatable tub for my baths while we were away; I liked playing in it alot. I also met a cute girl! After a week in Denver, we flew to Fort Myers, FL. Grandma and Auntie YaYa (A.K.A. Corina) were very glad to see me. So was Grandpa Steve. We played alot. Grandpa Steve has a boat and we took it to the restaurant for lunch one day. I really like riding it in. I also liked Grandma's pool. Mommy and I went swimming every day. While I was away, I learned how to crawl. That wasn't exciting enough though. I figured out how to pull myself up to stand by holding on to things. I fall down alot but I am getting better every day. On the way home from FL we stopped back in Denver for a few days to break up the trip and give Mommy a little break. It also helped me with the time change. The finally it was time to go home. I was sooo happy to see Daddy and Dubya and Sally. Next time I go on a trip I hope at least Daddy can go with us too. I don't think they would let Dubya and Sally sit next to us on the plane.........

1 comment:

Matt & Marilee said...

Sounds like you had a blast, Sammy! What a great traveler!