Friday, December 14, 2007

Getting Ready

I won't be able to blog for the next several days because we are going to be very busy getting ready to go to Florida. We are going to see Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Vanessa and I finally get to meet Uncle John and see all my cousins. Auntie YaYa will be there too! We are going to have a great week and I am sure I will have lots to share when we get back. Love you all!

Eighth Night of Hanukkah 2007

I can't believe this is the last night. I have really enjoyed Hanukkah this year. I want to know how many days until its Hanukkah again.................

Thank you to all my friends and family that made this holiday so special!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Seventh Night of Hanukkah 2007

I can't believe Hanukkah is almost over! I have had such a good time. I really enjoy watching Daddy light the Hanukkiah and I always laugh when he and Mommy sing the blessings. Tonight I got a new DVD - the Wiggles and decided to watch it right after my bath. I even tucked myself in!

Sixth Night of Hanukkah 2007

Sorry everyone! No pictures or video of the sixth night. We went to visit my friend Noah who just got a baby brother last week and we forgot the camera. Daddy made dinner for everyone. It was delicious! Noah and I had fun playing and Mommy had fun holding the new baby. I fell asleep on the way home in the car and Mommy and Daddy tried to put me into bed without waking up - no chance! I kept them up pretty late that night!

Fifth Night of Hanukkah 2007

The fifth night of Hanukkah was the big night. We had our friends over for dinner. We had briskette and latkes and funnel cake for dessert. There was so much fun and lots of presents. I got a great new book from Eric and Emily.

Marian got me a great train.

Olivier and Ellen got me a Big Bird DVD and a CD that sings song to me, Sammy, using my name. How cool is that!

Daddy got me the biggest present of all - my own jumpy-house! I loved playing in it!

Fourth Night of Hanukkah 2007

Wow! The fourth night of Hanukkah. We are halfway through. It just gets better and better!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Third Night of Hanukkah 2007

On the third night of Hanukkah I got a new DVD and book from my Savta and Saba. I also got puppy headphones from Mommy an Daddy. I really like this Hanukkah stuff. Mommy says it only last for eight nights though. I wonder if I could file for an extension...........

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Second Night of Hanukkah 2007

I had more fun tonight. I love watching Daddy light the candles. I got another neat present. It is a dalmatian bank that barks when you put coins in. I could do that for hours!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

First Night of Hanukkah 2007

Yesterday Mommy and I were out doing a little last minute shopping at Target. I decided to test my boundaries a little and took off running. Mommy followed me. Well, most of her did. Her foot didn't seem to want to go the same direction and several hours, a doctor's visit, and a few x-rays later, Mommy has a sprained ankle. Not a very auspicious start to the holidays. In my defense, I was wearing my "Hello my name is Trouble" shirt. Not my fault if she can't read labels!

Tonight was a wonderful Hanukkah. After dinner we said the blessings and lit the candles on our Hanukkiah. Then we opened presents. Mommy and Daddy got me a terrific Thomas set. It had two DVDs and Bertie and Thomas trains. Here's the video:

Savta and Saba sent us a wonderful Hanukkiah from Israel. It has spotty dogs.

I like it very much. So do Mommy and Daddy. Happy Hanukkah everyone!